You're doing it for the task itself, for the challenge& and the ocean is the most challenging environment there is, for the thrill of discovery, and for that strange bond that happens when a small group of people form a tightly knit team. 那我在做什么呢?我做这些其实只是为了这件任务本身。为了挑战海洋是现存最危险的环境;为了发现;也为了一种奇怪的关系一个由很少人组成的紧密团队。
Also, make sure outerwear is made of water resistant and tightly knit material. 同样,确定外衣是用防水和紧密针织的材料制成的。
Mr. Wunder is part of a small but tightly knit group of actors in Germany who make a living dubbing the voices of English-speaking movie stars. 文德尔是德国一个紧密团结的演员小团体中的一员,他们以给讲英语的电影明星配音为生。
Korean society is very tightly knit, and people here are very concerned about how others view them, said Harris H. Kim, a sociology assistant professor at Ewha Womans University. 韩国梨花女子大学的社会学助理教授哈里斯•H•金说:韩国社会是一个人与人之间联系十分紧密的社会,因此韩国人很注重别人对自己的看法。
Such strong relationships are echoed in Japan's tightly knit firms, some of which are clannish to their roots. 这种亲密的人际关系在组织紧密的日本企业里也有所反映。很多日本企业就是家族式企业。
A well-crafted beer produces a tightly knit, dense, uneven head comprised of small, uniform bubbles. 一杯优质的啤酒可以产生紧密浓稠的的泡沫,泡沫由很多细小一致的气泡组成。
Mr Ikeda and other experts note that Japanese manufacturers typically bring their tightly knit Keiretsu relationships with them to China, making them more dependent on a small number of trusted suppliers. 池田博义和其他专家指出,日本制造商往往会把编织紧密的经连企业关系(keiretsu)一起带进中国,使它们更依赖于少数可信赖的供应商。
There is a profound range of feeling in this piece, which incorporates a majestic spirit within a tightly knit composition. The distance in his eyes. That's what I notice myself most of all. 他眼睛中有着深邃的目光,这是我最注意的。
It's this unusual experience that has made us mature and made the school so cohesive and tightly knit. 正是这段与众不同的经历,使得我们更加成熟独立,使得这个团体更加有凝聚力。
A tightly knit group of politically motivated men. 一群结合得很紧密的怀有政治动机的人。
He is the key member of a tightly knit and fiercely loyal White House staff. 他是紧密团结且绝对忠诚的白宫阵营里的核心人物。
The jobs one company passes off to another can be passed back several times until they rest upon the shoulders of a small, tightly knit group, who will complete the job with care and efficiency. 而且,一个被分派出去的任务,可能又被分派回来,如此这般多次反复,直到它们最后落实到某个规模虽小但结构紧凑、能够用心而高效的来完成任务的具体团体的肩膀上。
At the same time, the JPMorgan chief has to keep a tightly knit band of executives many of whom have been with him for decades happy, motivated and well-paid to prevent them from being poached by rivals. 与此同时,戴蒙必须让一帮紧密团结在自己身边的高管们其中许多人已追随他数十年感到快乐、受到激励并获得丰厚薪酬,以免他们被竞争对手挖走。
In our tightly knit community are future CEOs, CFOs, Presidents of companies, government officials, and board members. It's to our benefit to get to know each and every member of the class. 在我们这个紧密的团体里,有未来的CEO,CFO,公司主席,政府领袖等等,我们应该努力认识每个人,与大家成为好朋友。
Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs. 即使狼亲属也被收入结构严密的组织。
Moreover, the classical algorithm, HITS, is likely to converge at an irrelevant tightly knit community ( TKC), thus lead to topic drift. 此外,主题精选经典算法HITS的链接分析迭代往往会收敛于链接图中与查询主题不太相关的紧密交织区域(TKC),从而导致主题偏移。